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If you are a dev; open the JavaScript Console and take a look at how the 'inventor data' is organized using Array methods of 'Map' 'Sort' & 'Reduce' with Vanilla JavaScript

    Inventors & People as Data

  1. .filter = Filter the list of inventors for those who were born in the 1500's
  2. .map = Give us an array of the inventors' first and last names
  3. .sort = Sort the inventors by birthdate, oldest to youngest
  4. .reduce = How many years did all the inventors live?
  5. Sort the inventors by years lived = Array Sort
  6. Create a list of Boulevards in Paris that contain 'de' anywhere in the name From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Boulevards_in_Paris = Array Filter
  7. Sort the people alphabetically by last name = Array Sort
  8. Sum up the instances of each of these = Reduce Exercise